Onplayerdeath actors

Originally Posted by Zeus666
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Just tested it in game.

Knowns bugs

1) When player is killed, his character rotates in 380 grades. (If he is facing forward, his actor faces backsward)
2) when I kill the same player after 5-10 seconds, there will not spawn another actor. (there's 1 character per death)
3) It won't recognise the skin. It spawned the character with skin id 299
1) Use GetPlayerFacingAngle

forward RemovePlayerDeathActor(playerid);
public RemovePlayerDeathActor(playerid)
    if(IsValidActor(death_actor[playerid])) DestroyActor(death_actor[playerid]); // Removes the "death actor".
    return 1;
3) Use GetPlayerSkin(playerid); instead of pSkin[playerid];
new pskin =  GetPlayerSkin(playerid);

Messages In This Thread
Onplayerdeath actors - by Zeus666 - 24.09.2018, 16:32
Re: Onplayerdeath actors - by CantBeJohn - 24.09.2018, 16:53
Re: Onplayerdeath actors - by Zeus666 - 24.09.2018, 16:59
Re: Onplayerdeath actors - by VVWVV - 24.09.2018, 17:03
Re: Onplayerdeath actors - by Zeus666 - 24.09.2018, 17:07
Re: Onplayerdeath actors - by VVWVV - 24.09.2018, 17:10
Re: Onplayerdeath actors - by Zeus666 - 24.09.2018, 17:12
Re: Onplayerdeath actors - by Zeus666 - 24.09.2018, 17:30
Re: Onplayerdeath actors - by UFF - 24.09.2018, 17:51
Re: Onplayerdeath actors - by VVWVV - 24.09.2018, 17:51

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