Multidimensional Array

So I was planning to create an array for the messages of 4 textdraws

PHP код:
static const Msgs[][2][50] = //[] is for the id, [2] is to declare a multidimensional array, [50] is the maxlength of the string
"Together forever!"1},
"Long live!"2},
"Test Server"3},
"It's a great day!"4}
//the second values (numerical ones) are the ids of the textdraw 
And I was trying to create a command that would pick out the message and the textdraw id it's assigned to

PHP код:
SendClientMessage(playerid, -1"USAGE: /findmsg [part of word]");

That's as far as I can go in the command. dunno how to pick out something from the array with just a part of its word

Tryna' learn how Multidimensional arrays work =)

Messages In This Thread
Multidimensional Array - by NealPeteros - 14.09.2018, 10:59
Re: Multidimensional Array - by v1k1nG - 14.09.2018, 11:00
Re: Multidimensional Array - by NealPeteros - 14.09.2018, 11:17
Re: Multidimensional Array - by Shinja - 14.09.2018, 11:19
Re: Multidimensional Array - by AmirSavand - 14.09.2018, 12:02
Re: Multidimensional Array - by NealPeteros - 14.09.2018, 12:54
Re: Multidimensional Array - by v1k1nG - 14.09.2018, 13:35

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