SA-MP working on windows 10 Pro edition (64 bit)

Originally Posted by Burridge
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I have, and I have not had any issues, on my laptop anyway (which is Windows 10 Pro). My desktop is Windows 10 Education (basically, it's Enterprise edition) and I do not have any issues on that either, difference is I use the steam edition on my desktop.

EDIT: I have had one issue now I think on it. Sometimes when I alt-tab my cursor sticks to the upper-most left part of the screen. Alt-tabbing again fixes this issue though.
So I'll have to use the steam edition of the game instead of using the CD/DVD that i use to install the game. I don't see what the difference between them, I have been on steam before but not for a loooong time. Is it the updates they release for the game that make the game more compatible with windows 10?

Also do you think that the alt tab issue on windows 10 will be resolved on the next version of SA_MP, if they release another one? I know gta sa is an old game but its still fun to play especially on the free/RP servers.

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