20.09.2009, 06:13
I think the orginal method is not very scriptable.
Just think, we need to tell everyone which dialogid are used in my scripts when releasing it,and it will be a headache to check whether mix up with other.
I think/hope kye will release an update which makes dialog more scriptable.Like textdraw, vehicle.
Also, we can script for that, like ZeeX did.
Just think, we need to tell everyone which dialogid are used in my scripts when releasing it,and it will be a headache to check whether mix up with other.
I think/hope kye will release an update which makes dialog more scriptable.Like textdraw, vehicle.
new adminvec, admindialog; public OnGameModeInit(){ adminvec = CreateVehicle(); admindialog = CreateDialog(.type=0,.caption="admin command",.info=""hi all",.button1="ok",.button2="cancel"); return true; } public OnPlayerEnterVehicle(playerid,vehicleid){ if(vehicleid==adminvec){ //bla... } return true; } public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid){ ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,admindialog); return true; } public OnPlayerResponseDialog(bla){ if(dialogid == admindialog){ //bla... } return true; }