command question

Guys, I have a little question it's about commands if I made a command like this
       new id;
       if(sscanf(params, "u", id) return scm(playerid, COLOR_USAGE, "USAGE:/kick [id]");
       if(id == INVALID_PLAYER_ID) return scm(playerid, COLOR_ERROR, "invalid id");
       return 1;
It's a kick command, So the question is
* If the var id acts as a global var will it mess? Or Should I put id[MAX_PLAYERS]

I mean if someone type /kick 0 and another one suddenly type /kick 1 , first one is a slow typer and the both command will execute at once
Then what would be declared as id there?

Or all commands works separately for each 1?

Messages In This Thread
command question - by GameOvr - 09.09.2018, 08:14
Re: command question - by Kane - 09.09.2018, 08:16
Re: command question - by GameOvr - 09.09.2018, 08:18
Re: command question - by Kane - 09.09.2018, 08:20
Re: command question - by DarknesS1988 - 09.09.2018, 08:20
Re: command question - by Calisthenics - 09.09.2018, 08:25
Re: command question - by Infin1ty - 09.09.2018, 09:27
Re: command question - by GameOvr - 09.09.2018, 11:32

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