07.09.2018, 08:37
Ive stopped checking the scripting section a long time ago, Im also not interested in most of the other threads created here anyome. The only reason im still here from time to time is because sometimes people show off some cool stuff they made. Unfortunately, with the video section being removed now because kalcor got some strange problem with SJWs on "sjwtube", that reason also is gone (together with ten thousands of hours people put into writing the posts alone. Dozens of times i told people "kalcors forum, kalcors rules", but messing things up like that for a total of 320000 registered users, because of one persons problems is even shittier than ******'s "delete everything on forum quit". But all this is stuff for a different thread).
So all thats left is 97% crappy questions, 2% pseudo-interesting stuff, and 1% interesting stuff. I dont like having worse-than-roulette chances when looking for kewl posts (of course its not just since videos were deleted, but thats a major aspect now). Not so long ago I told people samp isnt dying. Im not sure about that anymore. |
join the discord to see what i mean