double click on textdraw

Enum is likely to be better than the arrays below, PVar is likely to be too slow for this implementation.

new LastClickedDialog[MAX_PLAYERS], LastClickedEntry[MAX_PLAYERS];
One would be for tracking the dialog, the other would be checking the entry they clicked on.

I myself haven't worked with Dialogs much, but there'll definitely be a way of doing what you want.

Another random option, could be a simple 'confirm' dialog after those sort of dialogs, showing what they have chosen to receive and giving them the option to cancel it. (This would likely be a more simple option)

Messages In This Thread
double click on textdraw - by cellps - 04.09.2018, 02:42
Re: double click on textdraw - by Sew_Sumi - 04.09.2018, 02:45
Re: double click on textdraw - by cellps - 04.09.2018, 03:38
Re: double click on textdraw - by Sew_Sumi - 04.09.2018, 03:49
Re: double click on textdraw - by Gammix - 04.09.2018, 04:18

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