[GameMode] DraCkers's Stunt/Freeroam/DM

DraCkers GM

-Login Register System
-Admin System
-Helper System
-Minigames system
-Weapons Shop
-too much more..

This is my first gm i worked on..

Credits: Kiiileeer & Weezyy For Helping me in Scripting


Admin Commands


if(pInfo[playerid][Admin] < 1 )return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "{FA002E}Error: {FFFFFF}You need to be level 1 Admin to use this command!");
strcat(str,"{FF0000}== Commands ==\t\t\t==Description==\n\n");
strcat(str, "{FFFFFF}/ahide\t\t\t - Use this command if you want to remove your tag admin and hidden from /admins\n");
strcat(str, "{FFFFFF}/vc\t\t - To change your car color\n");
strcat(str, "{FFFFFF}/Warn\t\t\t - With this command you can warn a player if not respect /rules !\n");
strcat(str, "{FFFFFF}/remwarn\t\t - With this command you can removewarn a player!\n");
strcat(str, "{FFFFFF}/Kick\t\t\t - With this command you can kick a player from the server.\n");
strcat(str, "{FFFFFF}/Mute\t\t\t - This command is used for mute a player\n");
strcat(str, "{FFFFFF}/Unmute\t\t - Un-Muting a player what have been muted.\n");
strcat(str, "{FFFFFF}/Muted\t\t\t - View all players what have been muted.\n");
strcat(str, "{FFFFFF}/Reports\t\t - With this command, you can view last /report (s).\n");
strcat(str, "{FFFFFF}/Spec\t\t\t - Spectating a player, viewing what he does\n");
strcat(str, "{FFFFFF}/Destroycar\t\t - Destroying a car in game!\n");
strcat(str, "{FFFFFF}/Specoff\t\t - Stop spectating mode\n");
strcat(str, "{FFFFFF}/Spawn\t\t - Re-Spawning a player\n");
strcat(str, "{FFFFFF}/Asay\t\t\t - Add an MSG for all players.\n");
strcat(str, "{FFFFFF}/Slap\t\t\t - This command is used to slap a player, if he are blocked.\n");
strcat(str, "{FFFFFF}/Miniguns\t\t - With this command, you can watch players what have miniguns.\n");
strcat(str, "{FFFFFF}/richlist\t\t - list of Rish player.\n");
strcat(str, "{FFFFFF}Use '#' for admin chat [example: # hello admins]\n\n");
strcat(str, "{FFFF00}> Credits to DraCkersTM for the Administrator system");
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_ACMDS, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "{FF0000}DraCkers {FFFFFF}Server (Level 1)", str, ".: OK :.", "");
case 1:
if(pInfo[playerid][Admin] < 2 )return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "{FA002E}Error: {FFFFFF}You need to be level 2 Admin to use this command!");
strcat(str,"{FF0000}== Commands ==\t\t\t==Description==\n\n");
strcat(str, "{FFFFFF}/CC\t\t\t - Clear chat.\n");
strcat(str, "{FFFFFF}/Jetpack\t\t\t - To Spawn a Jetpack.\n");
strcat(str, "{FFFFFF}/Duty\t\t\t - enabled/disable your Admin Godemode!\n");
strcat(str, "{FFFFFF}/Freeze\t\t - This command allows you to freeze a player\n");
strcat(str, "{FFFFFF}/Unfreeze\t\t - With this command you can un-freeze a player!\n");
strcat(str, "{FFFFFF}/frozen\t\t\t -This command is for view frozen players\n");
strcat(str, "{FFFFFF}/Jail\t\t\t - With this command you can jail a player.\n");
strcat(str, "{FFFFFF}/Unjail\t\t\t - With this command you can relase a player out of jail if it is jailed!\n");
strcat(str, "{FFFFFF}/Jailed\t\t\t - This command is for view jailed players.\n");
strcat(str, "{FFFFFF}/Burn\t\t\t - Make to burn a player\n");
strcat(str, "{FFFFFF}/Goto\t\t\t - With this command you can teleport to a player location\n");
strcat(str, "{FFFFFF}/Force\t\t\t - This command forcing a player into class selection\n");
strcat(str, "{FFFFFF}/Akill\t\t\t - This command kill a player\n");
strcat(str, "{FFFFFF}/Eject\t\t\t - With this command you can eject a player from any vehicle.\n");
strcat(str, "{FFFFFF}/Disarm\t\t - With this command you can disarm a player if have forbbiden a weapon.\n");
strcat(str, "{FFFFFF}/Explode\t\t - With this command you can explode a player\n\n");
strcat(str, "{FFFF00}> Credits to DraCkersTM for the Administrator system");
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_ACMDS, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "{FF0000}Wtlv {FFFFFF}Server (Level 2)", str, ".: OK :.", "");
case 2:
if(pInfo[playerid][Admin] < 3 )return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "{FA002E}Error: {FFFFFF}You need to be level 3 Admin to use this command!");
strcat(str,"{FF0000}== Commands ==\t\t\t==Description==\n\n");
strcat(str, "{FFFFFF}/Teleplayer\t\t - Teleport a player to another player\n");
strcat(str, "{FFFFFF}/Crash\t\t\t - With this command crashing a player in game!\n");
strcat(str, "{FFFFFF}/Sbankrupt\t\t - Silently remove to a player cash\n");
strcat(str, "{FFFFFF}/Bankrupt\t\t - With this command you can reset cash to a player\n");
strcat(str, "{FFFFFF}/Screen\t\t - With this command you can send a text to appear in players monitor\n");
strcat(str, "{FFFFFF}/Ban\t\t\t - With this command you BAN a player\n");
strcat(str, "{FFFFFF}/Setworld\t\t - This command set virtual world to a player.\n");
strcat(str, "{FFFFFF}/Setinterior\t\t - With this command you can set a differite interior to a player.\n");
strcat(str, "{FFFFFF}/Giveweapon\t\t - This command gave to a player weapon and ammo\n");
strcat(str, "{FFFFFF}/Setskin\t\t - Set Skin to Player!\n");
strcat(str, "{FFFFFF}/IP\t\t\t - With this command, you can view player's IP.\n\n");
strcat(str, "{FFFF00}> Credits to DraCkersTM for the Administrator system");
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_ACMDS, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "{FF0000}DraCkers {FFFFFF}Stunting (Level 3)", str, ".: OK :.", "");
case 3:
if(pInfo[playerid][Admin] < 4 )return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "{FA002E}Error: {FFFFFF}You need to be level 4 Admin to use this command!");
strcat(str,"{FF0000}== Commands ==\t\t\t==Description==\n\n");
strcat(str, "{FFFFFF}/startcp\t\t\t - Use this command if you want to Start a Checkpoint\n");
strcat(str, "{FFFFFF}/gotocp\t\t\t - Use this command if you want to go to the Checkpoint\n");
strcat(str, "{FFFFFF}/startmath\t\t\t - Use this command if you want to Start Math Reaction\n");
strcat(str, "{FFFFFF}/startmb\t\t\t - Use this command if you want to Start Money Bag\n");
strcat(str, "{FFFFFF}/gotomb\t\t\t - Use this command if you want to go to The Money Bag\n");
strcat(str, "{FFFFFF}/togglemb\t\t\t - Use this command if you want to toggle The Money Bag\n");
strcat(str, "{FFFFFF}/Healall\t\t\t - Reset all players health to 100\n");
strcat(str, "{FFFFFF}/armourall\t\t - Reset all players Armour to 100\n");
strcat(str, "{FFFFFF}/Explodeall\t\t - Exploding all players\n");
strcat(str, "{FFFFFF}/Slapall\t\t\t - Slaping all connected players\n");
strcat(str, "{FFFFFF}/Giveallweapon\t - Use this command if you want to give weapons for all players\n");
strcat(str, "{FFFFFF}(/setallt)ime\t\t - Use this command if you want to change time for all players\n");
strcat(str, "{FFFFFF}(/setallw)eather\t - Use this command if you want to change weather for all players\n");
strcat(str, "{FFFFFF}/Get\t\t\t - With this command you can get a player to your location\n");
strcat(str, "{FFFFFF}/Disarmall\t\t - Reset weapons to all players\n");
strcat(str, "{FFFFFF}/Unban\t\t\t - Unban a Player\n");
strcat(str, "{FFFFFF}/Ann\t\t\t\t - This command allows you to gave announce's on players desk\n");
strcat(str, "{FFFFFF}/Armour\t\t - With this command you can set armour to a player.\n");
strcat(str, "{FFFFFF}/heal\t\t\t - With this command you can set health to a player\n");
strcat(str, "{FFFFFF}/Giveallmoney\t\t - Give Cash to all\n");
strcat(str, "{FFFFFF}/Giveallscore\t\t - Give Score to all\n");
strcat(str, "{FFFFFF}/Fakedeath\t\t - Do a Fake Death\n");
strcat(str, "{FFFFFF}/respawnveh\t\t - With this command you can respawn all vehicles!\n");
strcat(str, "{FFFFFF}/Setname\t\t - Set Name to Player!\n");
strcat(str, "{FFFFFF}/write\t\t\t - Write a Chat\n\n");
strcat(str, "{FFFF00}> Credits to DraCkersTM for the Administrator system");
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_ACMDS, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "{FF0000}DraCkers {FFFFFF}Server (Level 4)", str, ".: OK :.", "");
case 4:
if(pInfo[playerid][Admin] < 5 )return SendClientMessage(playerid, -1, "{FA002E}Error: {FFFFFF}You need to be level 5 Admin to use this command!");
strcat(str,"{FF0000}== Commands ==\t\t\t==Description==\n\n");
strcat(str, "{FFFFFF}/sethelper\t\t\t - Set player Helper rank\n");
strcat(str, "{FFFFFF}/setkills\t\t\t - With this command you can set to a player kills\n");
strcat(str, "{FFFFFF}/setdeaths\t\t\t - With this command you can set to a player deaths\n");
strcat(str, "{FFFFFF}/Killall\t\t\t\t - With this command you can kill all players\n");
strcat(str, "{FFFFFF}/getall\t\t\t\t - With this command you can get all players to your location\n");
strcat(str, "{FFFFFF}/givemoney\t\t\t - With this command you can Give money to player.\n");
strcat(str, "{FFFFFF}/setmoney\t\t\t - Set Money of Player\n");
strcat(str, "{FFFFFF}/setscore \t\t\t - Set Score of Player\n");
strcat(str, "{FFFFFF}/restart\t\t\t - With this command you can restart this Server!\n");
strcat(str, "{FFFFFF}/spam\t\t\t\t - Spam in chat.\n");
strcat(str, "{FFFFFF}/Fakechat\t\t\t - Write a Fake Chat\n");
strcat(str, "{FFFFFF}/offban\t\t\t\t - With this command you can banned offline player\n");
strcat(str, "{FFFFFF}/setbalance\t\t\t - Set money bank of Player\n");
strcat(str, "{FFFFFF}/setdrugs\t\t\t - Set drugs of Player\n");
strcat(str, "{FFFFFF}/setcocaine\t\t\t - Set cocaine of Player\n");
strcat(str, "{FFFFFF}/setheroine\t\t\t - Set heroine of Player\n\n");
strcat(str, "{FFFF00}> Credits to DraCkersTM for the Administrator system");
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_ACMDS, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "{FF0000}Wtlv {FFFFFF}Server (Level 5)", str, ".: OK :.", "");


Messages In This Thread
DraCkers's Stunt/Freeroam/DM - by MasterSPY - 04.09.2018, 01:52
Re: DraCkers's Stunt/Freeroam/DM - by solstice_ - 04.09.2018, 12:36
Re: DraCkers's Stunt/Freeroam/DM - by NeXTGoD - 04.09.2018, 20:33
Re: DraCkers's Stunt/Freeroam/DM - by SonnyGamer - 05.09.2018, 05:14
Re: DraCkers's Stunt/Freeroam/DM - by Bolex_ - 05.09.2018, 07:33
Re: DraCkers's Stunt/Freeroam/DM - by ZigGamerx - 06.09.2018, 06:28
Re: DraCkers's Stunt/Freeroam/DM - by Orbit21 - 06.09.2018, 11:03
Re: DraCkers's Stunt/Freeroam/DM - by Min99 - 16.11.2018, 06:06
Re: DraCkers's Stunt/Freeroam/DM - by KevinHDlol - 17.11.2018, 08:45
Re: DraCkers's Stunt/Freeroam/DM - by WeezyyDS - 01.12.2018, 21:08

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