Small County Role Play! Help conection database

Solved, there was a difference in the 'Factions' database and in the gamemode 'factions', the difference in letter size changed and is already working

Messages In This Thread
Small County Role Play! Help conection database - by NikodemPolak - 03.09.2018, 01:21
Re: Small County Role Play! Help conection database - by solstice_ - 03.09.2018, 01:29
Re: Small County Role Play! Help conection database - by NikodemPolak - 03.09.2018, 10:18
Re: Small County Role Play! Help conection database - by EzeGODezE - 03.09.2018, 10:25
Re: Small County Role Play! Help conection database - by NikodemPolak - 03.09.2018, 12:46
Re: Small County Role Play! Help conection database - by NikodemPolak - 03.09.2018, 21:00

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