02.09.2018, 15:16
First error:
When you use arrays and pass them by reference, you do not need to put "[]". Only put the array name:
Second part:
You do not use ';' when you're using if, while, for or other control structure (do-while is an exception).
Check SAMP Wiki about Control Structures and you're going to get helped:
When you use arrays and pass them by reference, you do not need to put "[]". Only put the array name:
PHP код:
format(gString, 20, "~r~%i", LMSCount);//Line 36
GameTextForPlayer(i, gString, 1000, 5);//Line 37
You do not use ';' when you're using if, while, for or other control structure (do-while is an exception).
Check SAMP Wiki about Control Structures and you're going to get helped: