Objects not showing up.

Originally Posted by MAOREM
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You dont have to write 2 times "new tmpobjid;", or it will hide some objects.
What in the shit are you actually on about?

The only thing that will happen is that he'll lose track of the ID so he won't be able to change anything with this mapping, once it's spawned. They should still spawn.

Messages In This Thread
Objects not showing up. - by Dimkata - 31.08.2018, 19:12
Re: Objects not showing up. - by Lokii - 31.08.2018, 19:19
Re: Objects not showing up. - by Dimkata - 31.08.2018, 19:22
Re: Objects not showing up. - by MAOREM - 01.09.2018, 11:35
Re: Objects not showing up. - by Dimkata - 01.09.2018, 13:42
Re: Objects not showing up. - by MAOREM - 01.09.2018, 22:18
MAOREM - by Sew_Sumi - 01.09.2018, 22:41

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