
Originally Posted by KinderClans
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I explained in the first post.

Full command of what? There is no command. I use "IsPlayerInRangeOfActor" in OnPlayerKeyStateChange, which is connected to KEY_YES command. (Means if player press Key_Yes he will interact with the autor).
Originally Posted by KinderClans
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Problem: I created an actor called "Boxer", so i made in this way:

(In a command: )

pawn Код:
if (IsPlayerInRangeOfActor(playerid, Boxer))
 ShowPlayerFooter(playerid, "Hi!", 5000);
But doesn't work. Do i have to load actor name from db first? How?
You are talking about a command, can we see the code?
If I'm still wrong, debug ur code.

Messages In This Thread
Actor - by KinderClans - 27.08.2018, 13:13
Re: Actor - by victory88 - 31.08.2018, 00:08
Re: Actor - by Shinja - 31.08.2018, 00:11
Re: Actor - by victory88 - 31.08.2018, 00:13
Re: Actor - by SapMan - 31.08.2018, 02:45
Re: Actor - by Dayrion - 31.08.2018, 12:48
Re: Actor - by KinderClans - 31.08.2018, 13:00
Re: Actor - by Dayrion - 31.08.2018, 15:03
Re: Actor - by KinderClans - 31.08.2018, 16:08
Re: Actor - by Dayrion - 31.08.2018, 16:24

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