SA-MP Server Marketing

Do you know how EA, Rockstar, Ubisoft and so on advertise their games?

They create HYPE. Spending $ for advertising a samp server is useless.

You need to give at your players a reason to play, and continue playing.

Instead of asking the questions you posted, ask yourself:

1) Is my server enjoyable to play?

2) What can i do to increase player's experience?

3) If i was a player and not an admin, will i play for long time my server?

If you have an answer to this questions, then you're at 50% of your goal.

P.S Forgive my bad english.

Messages In This Thread
SA-MP Server Marketing - by severance - 16.08.2018, 23:09
Re: SA-MP Server Marketing - by KinderClans - 16.08.2018, 23:17
Re: SA-MP Server Marketing - by Konverse - 19.08.2018, 03:22
Re: SA-MP Server Marketing - by harsimarriar96 - 19.08.2018, 06:50
Re: SA-MP Server Marketing - by ad@m - 20.08.2018, 14:45

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