SA-MP Server Marketing

I got my discord server with a lot of peoples, but i'm wondering, how should you act behind your own server that is getting open?

Like, "Finally the server is open guys: 223.0.012:0000 join!", but let's take a second and think about the consequences, is this really helpful? I mean you only telling to your friends the server is open and it's working, but, how do you actually make a server popular, how do you make it to grow up ? Does it take time? Because i'm just pretty sure that my friends won't really play it (atleast after some time). And i need to start my own marketing. So we got a question a big one to answer: How do you make your server marketing in order to grow up? Does hosted tab provides some players? Or do you need to pay a substantial amount of money to ADS?

Having lots of nightmares towards these questions, all the hard work going to be wasted is what makes me scared. Do i really need to push my own pawn abilities on making unique scripts or can i just provide them during updates? and not like rushing making everything like there won't be any updates.

I would really appreciate answers from successful peoples, and not by people that are only guessing.

Messages In This Thread
SA-MP Server Marketing - by severance - 16.08.2018, 23:09
Re: SA-MP Server Marketing - by KinderClans - 16.08.2018, 23:17
Re: SA-MP Server Marketing - by Konverse - 19.08.2018, 03:22
Re: SA-MP Server Marketing - by harsimarriar96 - 19.08.2018, 06:50
Re: SA-MP Server Marketing - by ad@m - 20.08.2018, 14:45

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