16.08.2018, 19:50
Most of them will manipulate memory or is there some other way ?
When i worked on my server, i created a hack to quickly teleport to desired locations, it was done by reading players position out from sa:mp memory to save positions and writing memory to teleport saved positions read from ini file.
Samp uses dynamic memory for player pos, so it requires offsets to read/write effectivly.
dll is called from program by dll's name, so changing only that will end up with error, sooner or later, sometimes later if the dll is dynamic not static that is read at start.
Just some example from the program code I used to read and write LPT port data to control step-motor, here the inpout32.dll is called.
When i worked on my server, i created a hack to quickly teleport to desired locations, it was done by reading players position out from sa:mp memory to save positions and writing memory to teleport saved positions read from ini file.
Samp uses dynamic memory for player pos, so it requires offsets to read/write effectivly.
The filename is completely irrelevant. I can name a file anything I want and it still runs as intended if you start it like intended.
function Out32(PortAdr: word; Data: byte): byte; stdcall; external 'inpout32.dll';