15.08.2018, 00:29
Last edited by Sew_Sumi; 15/08/2018 at 01:07 AM.
So how to fix it? Example: If the player has kidnapped the enemy player and when the player In the checkpoint the enemy player must be dead! how
You need to loop all players, checking if they are the target, and check the value of that against the playerid.
if PlayerIsTargetedBy[i]=playerid;
-Edit- You will also want to check if the kidnapped player is indeed with the kidnapper!!!! ----
then kill i.
What codestyle has put up is quite nice code for structure and such, you would be advised to keep messing with it, and read over it a bit to understand it more.
Reading good code is a good way to see good techniques and get more familiar with the language and such.