Economy help

Hi guys! If you work as fruiter on my server you earn 2000$, but i want to get it to 200-400$. After all, i want to shrink my server economy, but i don't know how. Could you help me please?
function PayJob(playerid, job)
	new paycheck;
	if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pDonateRank] != 0)
	    new sumarandom = 100 + random(500);
	    paycheck += sumarandom;

	if(PlayerInfo[playerid][Share] > 0)

		paycheck += paycheck / 3 ;
    if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pJob] != 5)
		paycheck += Salarii[PlayerInfo[playerid][pJob]];
	    paycheck += TruckerInfo[TraseuAles[playerid]][Salariu];

	new bonusskill;
    if(JobEvent == 1)
	    bonusskill += 1000 + random(2000);
    if(PlayerInfo[playerid][JobBoost] != 0)
        bonusskill += 1000 + random(5000);
    paycheck += bonusskill;
    if(GoldEvent == 1)
        GoldExecutari[playerid] ++;
        if(GoldExecutari[playerid] == 15)
           SCM(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTRED,"{FF784E}[Employer]: Inca 5 checkpoints si primesti un gPoint drept recompensa.");
		if(GoldExecutari[playerid] > 19)
            PlayerInfo[playerid][gPoints] += 1;
            GoldExecutari[playerid] = 0;
            SCM(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTRED, "{FF784E}[Employer]: Ti-a fost adaugat un punct gPoints in cont.");
	WorkMoney[playerid] += paycheck;
	GiveMoney(playerid, paycheck);
	new stringmoney[256];
	format(stringmoney, 256, "~G~Primit: %s$~N~Total: %s", FormatMoney(paycheck), FormatMoney(WorkMoney[playerid]));
	GameTextForPlayer(playerid, stringmoney, 4000,3);
	return 1;

Messages In This Thread
Economy help - by BaFFyJunior - 03.08.2018, 11:48
Re: Economy help - by Florin48 - 03.08.2018, 13:12

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