01.08.2018, 02:51
You don't need arrays for checkpoints to work, if you have more than 1 checkpoint, you should declare an ID for your checkpoints and check the ID of the checkpoint the user has entered. I can't check your code completely as I am on phone but I am more or less sure one of your if/case statements in onplayerentercheckpoint is bugged. What I can suggest is debugging everything through the console. Print out every step and see what's wrong.
forward HiddenTrailerMissions(playerid); public HiddenTrailerMissions(playerid) { if (GetVehicleModel(GetVehicleTrailer(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid))) == 591) { new message[100]; SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, -1073.4313, -1306.4890, 129.2188, 15); HiddenTrailer_PlayerJob[playerid] = 1; SendClientMessage(playerid, HIDDEN, "You have found a hidden trailer!"); SendClientMessage(playerid, HIDDEN, "Deliver it to 'The Den'"); format(message,sizeof(message), "~w~Deliver the ~p~hidden trailer ~w~to ~r~'the den'"); PlayerTextDrawSetString(playerid, work[playerid], message); print("CALL 1"); KillTimer(htimer); } return 1; }