30.07.2018, 13:23
Line 25789 is this: {
While this is all the code:
format (string, sizeof (string), "~ y ~% d% s ~ n ~~ g ~ | ~ w ~% d:% d:% d ~ g ~ |", day, mtext, hour + 1, minuite , second);
GameTextForPlayer (playerid, string, 5000, 1);
return 1;
* return 1;
* {
SendClientMessage (playerid, COLOR_RED, "{ff0000} [ERROR] {ff0000} {FFFFFF} To use the commands, you must log in. {FFFFFF}");
SendClientMessage (playerid, COLOR_RED, "{ff0000} [INFO] {ff0000} {FFFFFF} Enter the password to log in or register. {FFFFFF}");
SendClientMessage (playerid, COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, "{ff0000} [ERROR] {ff0000} {FFFFFF} Non-existent command, Type {808080} / help {808080} {FFFFFF} for the list. {FFFFFF}");
return 1;
* }
While this is all the code:
format (string, sizeof (string), "~ y ~% d% s ~ n ~~ g ~ | ~ w ~% d:% d:% d ~ g ~ |", day, mtext, hour + 1, minuite , second);
GameTextForPlayer (playerid, string, 5000, 1);
return 1;
* return 1;
* {
SendClientMessage (playerid, COLOR_RED, "{ff0000} [ERROR] {ff0000} {FFFFFF} To use the commands, you must log in. {FFFFFF}");
SendClientMessage (playerid, COLOR_RED, "{ff0000} [INFO] {ff0000} {FFFFFF} Enter the password to log in or register. {FFFFFF}");
SendClientMessage (playerid, COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, "{ff0000} [ERROR] {ff0000} {FFFFFF} Non-existent command, Type {808080} / help {808080} {FFFFFF} for the list. {FFFFFF}");
return 1;
* }