25.07.2018, 12:21
you can use format(...
that id is the one who put him in the jail.
to have it in your previous order, you can store it in the variable.
that's what you should do, I hope you understand.
PHP Code:
new string[128], name1[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], name2[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
GetPlayerName(playerid, name1, sizeof(name1));
GetPlayerName(id, name2, sizeof(name2));
format(string,sizeof(string),"%s(%d) has pay the bail of the jailed to %s(%d)",name1,playerid,name2,id);
SendClientMessageToAll(string, color);
to have it in your previous order, you can store it in the variable.
PHP Code:
JailedIDto[id] = playerid;
when he uses command / jail or what command you have there.