I need help [warning 225: unreachable code]

Originally Posted by Florin48
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PHP код:

if(strcmp(sung"deagle"true) == 0weaponid 24
else if(
strcmp(sung"Shotgun"true) == 0weaponid 25
else return 
SendClientMessageEx(playeridCOLOR_GREY"Sai ten vu khi"); 
try now
Just giving out the code is counter-productive. You should explain the error.

Messages In This Thread
I need help [warning 225: unreachable code] - by WilliamVN - 23.07.2018, 15:43
Re: I need help [warning 225: unreachable code] - by Florin48 - 23.07.2018, 16:45
Re: I need help [warning 225: unreachable code] - by WilliamVN - 24.07.2018, 01:29
Re: I need help [warning 225: unreachable code] - by coool - 24.07.2018, 06:36

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