problem command /BanList

Hello, I have a problem viewing accounts banned in the dialog.. not exactly can not see everything.
is it possible to put "the next list? {Next Button}" ?

if anyone can help me, thank you very much.
I'm sorry I'm not so English

ScreenShot Exemple:

CMD:banlist( playerid, params[] )
	new strt[226];
	format(strt, sizeof(strt), "SELECT * FROM `bans` WHERE `ID` > 0");
	mysql_tquery(SQL, strt, "BanList", "d", playerid);
	return 1;

stock BanList( playerid )
    new szDialog[MAX_STRING], szDialog2[1024];
	new liRows, liFields, OnName[ MAX_PLAYER_NAME ], OnName2[ MAX_PLAYER_NAME ], BBanDate[200];
	cache_get_data( liRows, liFields );

	strcat(szDialog2, "{FFFF00}ID\t{FFFF00}BanName\t{FFFF00}Admin\t{FFFF00}Ban Date\n");
	for( new i = 0; i < liRows; i ++ )
		cache_get_field_content( i, "PlayerName", OnName );
		cache_get_field_content( i, "AdminName", OnName2 );
		cache_get_field_content( i, "BanTimeDate", BBanDate, 1, 200 );

		format(szDialog, sizeof(szDialog), "%d\t%s\t%s\t%s\n", i + 1, OnName, OnName2, BBanDate);
		strcat(szDialog2, szDialog);
		strmid(UniversalVar[i + 1][vNameBanList], OnName, 0, strlen(OnName), 255);
	ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_BANLISTX, 5, "{6699FF}The List Of Players Banned:", szDialog2, "Select", "Exit");
	return ( 1 );


	if(dialogid == DIALOG_BANLISTX)
			if(listitem >= 0)
   				new IdBanList = listitem+1;
				new qstr[256];

			    new cont = MySQLCheckAccount(UniversalVar[IdBanList][vNameBanList]);
			    if(cont == 0) return SCM(playerid,COLOR_WHITE,"{FFB870}Nu exista nici un jucator cu acest nume, banat.");
		        format(qstr,sizeof(qstr),"SELECT * FROM bans WHERE `PlayerName`='%s' AND `Active`='1'", UniversalVar[IdBanList][vNameBanList]);
	    		new Cache: banuri = mysql_query(SQL, qstr);
	    		if(cache_get_row_count() > 0)
					new Security1[24];
					new query22[256];
				    mysql_real_escape_string(UniversalVar[IdBanList][vNameBanList], Security1);
				    format(query22, sizeof(query22), "SELECT * FROM `bans` WHERE `PlayerName` = '%s'", Security1);
				    mysql_tquery(SQL, query22, "OnInfoBanCalled", "ds", playerid, UniversalVar[IdBanList][vNameBanList]);
					return 1;
				    SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTRED, "This player is not banned.");
		return 1;

Messages In This Thread
problem command /BanList - by rollercaster - 17.07.2018, 16:56
Re: problem command /BanList - by Calisthenics - 17.07.2018, 17:48
Re: problem command /BanList - by rollercaster - 17.07.2018, 18:04
Re: problem command /BanList - by Calisthenics - 17.07.2018, 21:57
Re: problem command /BanList - by rollercaster - 18.07.2018, 05:02
Re: problem command /BanList - by Calisthenics - 18.07.2018, 08:20
Re: problem command /BanList - by rollercaster - 18.07.2018, 15:11
Re: problem command /BanList - by Calisthenics - 18.07.2018, 16:34
Re: problem command /BanList - by rollercaster - 18.07.2018, 18:33
Re: problem command /BanList - by rollercaster - 19.07.2018, 12:10

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