08.07.2018, 22:13
Issue: I am trying to make a textdraw related function, Basically, it's for a casino dealer's Roulette table. I wanted to gain the inputs of other Players when they used a command /bet on to every player who is connected to that dealer's table the exact textdraw. The problem i am facing at the moment, is that this function is only working with the dealers input of the command /bet, noother players input is being shown on the text draw.
I hope this is not confusing.
I hope this is not confusing.
stock SendTableDealerUpdatedString(playerid, message[]) { new tableinfo[MAX_STRING]; format(tableinfo, sizeof(tableinfo), "\n %s", message); PlayerLoop(i) { if(joinedtable[i] == true && tableid[i] == playerid) { if(IsPlayerConnected(playerid)) { TextDrawSetString(Dealertxt, tableinfo); TextDrawShowForAll(Dealertxt); } } } return 1; }