easyDialog vs OnDialogResponse

Basically y_dialogs can be used the same way as easyDialog:
pawn Код:
#define DIALOG:%1(%2) forward dlg_%1(%2);public dlg_%1(%2)
Dialog_ShowCallback(playerid, using callback dlg_login, DIALOG_STYLE_PASSWORD, "Login", "Type your password below:", "Login", "Leave");
pawn Код:
DIALOG:login(playerid, dialogid, response, listitem, string: inputtext[])
    // code..

Messages In This Thread
easyDialog vs OnDialogResponse - by CodeStyle175 - 06.07.2018, 22:56
Re: easyDialog vs OnDialogResponse - by CantBeJohn - 06.07.2018, 23:01
Re: easyDialog vs OnDialogResponse - by CodeStyle175 - 06.07.2018, 23:04
Re: easyDialog vs OnDialogResponse - by Pottus - 06.07.2018, 23:15
Re: easyDialog vs OnDialogResponse - by CodeStyle175 - 06.07.2018, 23:22
Re: easyDialog vs OnDialogResponse - by Calisthenics - 07.07.2018, 07:50

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