05.07.2018, 15:34
I’ve used adblock on my PC for more years than I can remember, and installed in on many other people’s PCs. I’ve developed other anti-ad tech (that I don’t want to announce here for reasons). I follow augmented-reality ad-blocking. I’m hardly just now “jumping on a bandwagon”.
On the web, I use uBlock unless the site has non disruptive ads. For example on Goo(_)gle (stupid filter) search the ads are all text sponsored results that provide you coupons for what you're searching for that you don't find otherwise just by searching for a competitor. If there's forced videos as ads or popups or large annoying banners then I leave uBlock on. The media used to lock their online content behind paywalls or not put it online, then they made it free with ads, now it's getting to a point with more adblock users the paywalls will have to come back. It's why ******* has launched two premium services in the recent years.
What I'm saying is advertisements in general are not the same as one text advertisements per hour, even if it's not relevant for you, you've enjoyed playing on that server for an hour (as a free player) so who are you to complain over a non-disruptive text ad? If people are annoyed there could be a payment to not show ads for them.
Ultimately it's about moving away from the micro-transcations ecosystem, you can argue there's a balance and there is (cosmetics and light perks) but there's nothing wrong with adding something like this and allowing innovative servers to not worry about what micro-transcations to add but make a good player experience.