Saving system

I'm just wondering which saving system is the easiest to learn, please do not mention MySQL or SQLITE as I'm looking for the easiest one to learn and improve my knowledge and not how fast it reads through the files.

Messages In This Thread
Saving system - by Ramboi - 04.07.2018, 00:17
Re: Saving system - by kovac - 04.07.2018, 00:25
Re: Saving system - by Ramboi - 04.07.2018, 00:32
Re: Saving system - by Mobtiesgangsa - 04.07.2018, 01:10
Re: Saving system - by Exhibit - 04.07.2018, 09:23
Re: Saving system - by jasperschellekens - 04.07.2018, 10:31
Re: Saving system - by Sasino97 - 04.07.2018, 11:05

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