18.09.2009, 11:03
Originally Posted by o BLACKZ o
Scavenging off my script sir, i can get you removed.
the script was released publicly with no copyrights, which gives us the right to use it at any times, and do whatever we want with it.
we still keep credits on the source as that was the only thing that was asked when released.
Also, you handed up the script yourself a long time ago, because you couldn't fix any bugs in the script. and once you decided to leave the "team" and the "server". you never gave us any rules, or notices to "FreshKilla" about what he can do with the script, he was never given any papers to sign or any agreements which gives him the right to do what he wants with it.
so as your the one the released the script to the public, and decided to give him your version of it without any agreements or copyrights or anything, there is nothing you can do about us using it.
also i been told you released a old version of PR-RP, which includes a bunch of FreshKilla's scripting in it.
Please next time you decide to post threatening me make sure you know what your saying.
I ain't got much time to deal with threats that are just full of bullshit.
Also please next time, stay on topic.