Unknown command problem

Originally Posted by Calisthenics
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Which is wrong because unless the loop is finished, you cannot know whether a player is in range or not. He does not return 0 either, but a run time error inside a command will break the code execution and no value will be returned (which will show the unknown command).
Well as far as I'm concerned that since the player isn't in range of the point, then there is no success, and no success means 0 returning, idk maybe you might be right, but that's my point.

Messages In This Thread
Unknown command problem - by ,TomY' - 25.06.2018, 17:49
Re: Unknown command problem - by JasonRiggs - 25.06.2018, 18:26
Re: Unknown command problem - by Lokii - 25.06.2018, 18:43
Re: Unknown command problem - by Calisthenics - 25.06.2018, 18:51
Re: Unknown command problem - by JasonRiggs - 25.06.2018, 18:59
Re: Unknown command problem - by ,TomY' - 25.06.2018, 20:17

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