[FilterScript] Kudos House System

Originally Posted by div
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People like him are encouraging laziness in lazy people, GTLS, you should have made a tutorial rather than releasing it :/

Kya kiya yaar :/ .. ab aayenge wo log jinko scripting karni nahi, bas popular server aur fame chahiye of owning a successful sa-mp server or w/e.. KYU PROMOTE KRRHA H AISI CHEEZE :/
This doesnt make em lazy. This is just a basic house system which enables you create/sell/edit houses. People will have to script their rent system,House storage system,Updrade System and many more if they want to use this on a server. This just saves the their time setting up default things like Database as I said in introduction.

Also, creating a tutorial just means explaining line by line of the code. In the end I would have given the whole working code. People would not even read the full tutorial and just get the code and paste it and then due to Database and all not configured, they would face problem. Then they will just think my code is shit while in reality, its just their fault that they were not able to create a proper database. And, if you really think about this, creating a database by looking in to the script with every variable is time consuming. Filterscript was the perfect solution. You dont wanna download, Fine its okay. Thanks for the feedback tho.

OffTopic: You should only use English in this forum tho so that people would understand.

Messages In This Thread
Kudos House System - by GTLS - 13.06.2018, 10:06
Re: Kudos House System - by PhantomThief1412 - 13.06.2018, 10:18
Re: Kudos House System - by NelsonC - 13.06.2018, 10:31
Re: Kudos House System - by GTLS - 13.06.2018, 10:41
Re: Kudos House System - by RogueDrifter - 13.06.2018, 14:55
Re: Kudos House System - by BanSilog - 13.06.2018, 15:15
Re: Kudos House System - by GTLS - 13.06.2018, 16:38
Re: Kudos House System - by jasperschellekens - 14.06.2018, 16:13
Re: Kudos House System - by GeorgeMcReary - 14.06.2018, 17:07
Re: Kudos House System - by GTLS - 15.06.2018, 05:43
Re: Kudos House System - by div - 25.06.2018, 11:09
Re: Kudos House System - by GTLS - 25.06.2018, 17:00
Re: Kudos House System - by X337 - 26.06.2018, 08:39

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