Undefined symbol playerid..

But why are people suggesting him to make a get name function?? as you can see he wants to store data into MySQL DB, so he would not need name but the actual playerid. And what is spareid and playerID? playerid is the default variable in SAMP, and I dont think he changed it.

His problem was that playerid was invalid symbol and I already answered it. There's no need for rep hunting this much. If you want rep so bad, make a huge contribution instead of just barking anything that comes into your mind.

Messages In This Thread
Undefined symbol playerid.. - by div - 19.06.2018, 10:13
Re: Undefined symbol playerid.. - by DerickClark - 19.06.2018, 10:17
Re: Undefined symbol playerid.. - by GTLS - 19.06.2018, 11:25
Re: Undefined symbol playerid.. - by Shadow0707 - 19.06.2018, 12:56
Re: Undefined symbol playerid.. - by kovac - 19.06.2018, 13:02
Re: Undefined symbol playerid.. - by SubGames - 19.06.2018, 13:45
Re: Undefined symbol playerid.. - by Lokii - 19.06.2018, 13:55
Re: Undefined symbol playerid.. - by kovac - 19.06.2018, 14:45
Re: Undefined symbol playerid.. - by GTLS - 19.06.2018, 14:57
Re: Undefined symbol playerid.. - by TadePoleMG - 19.06.2018, 15:05

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