Casino Dealer System(TExtdraw related)

I have a question as it relates to textdraw, is it possible to make a room/group whereby it pultrays User's bet and name with money betted? The purpose of this room is basically, when the dealer is on duty, he would open a table/room, where by if players want's to play they neeed to join that dealers table. whilst in this room/table only the Dealer assigned to that table will have the roulette/blackjack results shown to players. purposee is to minimise confusion /spam and keep track of who payed what for which bet(s)

Messages In This Thread
Casino Dealer System(TExtdraw related) - by SlayerHodge - 12.06.2018, 16:05
Re: Casino Dealer System(TExtdraw related) - by CodeStyle175 - 12.06.2018, 18:04
Re: Casino Dealer System(TExtdraw related) - by SlayerHodge - 12.06.2018, 20:37
Re: Casino Dealer System(TExtdraw related) - by SlayerHodge - 13.06.2018, 20:02
Re: Casino Dealer System(TExtdraw related) - by SlayerHodge - 17.06.2018, 11:00

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