
public OnPlayerUpdate(playerid) 
    new ID; 
    if(Drag[ID] != -1)
This is a problem.

You likely meant to be using playerid, as ID is a fresh variable, and has no value, so the array will always reference ID, which will probably be 0.

Considering that within 4 lines I've already noticed a real issue with your code, it should be a given you're going to have to review your code and actually understand script.

Messages In This Thread
BUG /DRAG COMMAND - by AlfaSufaIndo - 13.06.2018, 16:02
Re: BUG /DRAG COMMAND - by Sew_Sumi - 13.06.2018, 16:16
Re: BUG /DRAG COMMAND - by AlfaSufaIndo - 13.06.2018, 20:18
Re: BUG /DRAG COMMAND - by Sew_Sumi - 13.06.2018, 22:45

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