Looking for an efficient way to verify the existance of an account

Thank you! I am going to handle it that way.

Is there any way to get data out of the row that was affected by the UPDATE statement? In this particular case I am trying to do the following:

- Admin uses command to offline ban a player
- Update statement to be executed, if succesful the player is banned
- IP address and primary key of the affected player should be retrieved
- The IP address and primary key is to be used in 2 additional INSERT statements

Can I fetch the data of the affected row or should I execute a new SELECT statement?

Messages In This Thread
Looking for an efficient way to verify the existance of an account - by Robin96 - 11.06.2018, 02:17
Re: Looking for an efficient way to verify the existance of an account - by SyS - 11.06.2018, 02:58
Re: Looking for an efficient way to verify the existance of an account - by Gammix - 11.06.2018, 04:09
Re: Looking for an efficient way to verify the existance of an account - by Kane - 11.06.2018, 04:24
Re: Looking for an efficient way to verify the existance of an account - by Robin96 - 11.06.2018, 18:56

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