08.06.2018, 15:59
I just would like to remind you that you can't keep releasing the stolen scripts!!
The original author of this game mode is Jarnu, you added few buggy codes and now claiming it's your GM Your codes were removed from that AW GM, and yousha re-wrote almost all of em.. Please think twice before releasing the stolen script again!! |
This script was made by Jarnu and there's the credit for the people from whom I was inspired. This script is NOT stolen. This script was EDITED by ME and a few stuff was by xMx. This script is from when I joined SA-MP newly, as I mentioned in the original topic. There indeed are bugs, but this is because it's very old.
Yousha CLEARLY denies that my script was used, however, you say that my code was completely REMOVED, and Yousha rewrote it. Both statements are nothing but lies.
This script is not stolen and I'm sure that you can't fucking script and you were told by your masters (who you're slave of) to post such reply.
Please don't come back here, since the Yousha's script topic is DELETED, and I, Logic_, will keep this topic as it's now open-sourced by the rightful owner.