Why is the sa-mp rp community reluctant to change

Most of the RP servers are the same, and I agree. They are all based on pre-existing successful models. They think that doing this all the time:

/me puts his hand in his pocket, brings out a cigarette and lights it.

is actually playing. To me that is simply boring and a waste of time.

We play games to see new things, that is the best thing a game can have. When the player continuously discovers new things during his gameplay he is motivated to keep playing. Also the player should not be forced to memorize and type commands all the time, this is also a problem IMO.

I am recently writing in my spare time a new version of my unreleased, unpublished Sasinosoft Roleplay.
This gamemode is started from scratch, and it will mainly feature A.I. bots (using FCNPC), which will behave somewhat like the Sims. They will not be just pedestrian extras who walk around, instead the player will be able to have complete RP situations with them. Each one of them has its own stats which are saved in the database, like for regular players. They have their own inventories and they may sell or buy items from the players or from other bots. They can make ties with players and other bots, so that they become friends, fiances, or spouses of them. They will send you SMSs on your phone, go to places in autonomy, do the same jobs as the players, drive in street races...

Most of the interaction of the player with the world will be done through the hotkeys and the dialogs, although the commands for basic things will still be there for those who prefer them. Why create a /houseinventory command while you can place a safe in the house with a 3D text label saying "Press return to open the inventory"? Look at the console games, none of them uses text commands and yet you can play them anyway.

I think nice cutscenes and stories are also cool, and will attract players' interest, that is why I dedicate time on it. Also I have picked many beautiful maps from the members of this community, and I have extended LS Airport.

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