01.06.2018, 12:20
Since this has already been bumped, I would like to add an advice to improve slightly the compilation time: remove from your script all the things that can be loaded at runtime, such as the DynamicObjects.
For example if you have a block of code that looks like this
You can simply move all these lines to an external text file, remove "CreateDynamicObject(" and ");" with Find+Replace and load the file using fread and sscanf.
For example if you have a block of code that looks like this
CreateDynamicObject(214, 2140.024, 2140.02, 242.22, 4.42, 340.3, 34.0); CreateDynamicObject(214, 2140.024, 2140.02, 242.22, 4.42, 340.3, 34.0); CreateDynamicObject(214, 2140.024, 2140.02, 242.22, 4.42, 340.3, 34.0); [...]
while(fread(file, line)) { if(sscanf(line, "iffffff", model, x, y, z, rx, ry, rz)) continue; CreateDynamicObject(model, x, y, z, rx, ry, rz); }