27.05.2018, 16:10
mostre os logs do plugin mysql do samp. fica na pasta raiz do servidor em logs/plugins/mysql.log
PHP код:
[13:03:51] [ERROR] error #1064 while executing query "UPDATE `Contas` SET `Nome`='', `Level`=0, `Vitorias`=0,`Admin`=0,`Cargo`=,`Funcao`=, `Skin`=0, `Matou`=0, `Morreu`=0, `Dinheiro`=0, `Banido`=0 WHERE `ID`=0": You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '`Funcao`=, `Skin`=0, `Matou`=0, `Morreu`=0, `Dinheiro`=0, `Banido`=0 WHERE `ID`=' at line 1