error 047: array sizes do not match, or destination array is too small

Rather than storing the color as an rgb value, and trying to insert it into the text as hex, simply make the color value, a setting, an integer, so it goes 1 2 3 4 - 2174664 and you simply use those settings to check which color to format within a case statement.

If you then expand the system more, you could make a function to make that preformat the line so it doesn't need to be done a whole heap of times in the script itself.

In the current scenario of 4 colors, you'd only have it check on the OnPlayerText callback, but if you added more features, such as a car material text that used the same formatting, or a 3dtext, or something other than the onplayertext then you'd look at a function.

Probably to cut the error, all you'd need to do is make color[7], but as I've been mentioning, it's not such a good idea unless you are doing custom colors via RGB selection/text entry.

I also edit a lot, so re-read and refresh what I've put up.

ANNNNNDDD, a real good mess about to check out new methods, is to use a fresh new.pwn, and put the basics of what you need, in there, and see what you can produce.

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