General Jobs Idea

I don't think you have to reinvent the wheel to stand out OP, but just try and find some new ways of doing things. Those jobs you've mentioned all have a place on any roleplay server but if it's just some basic checkpoint to checkpoint thing, that's been done a thousand times over.

As an example, on a previous build on my server, I had a Human Trafficker job. With that job, you could pick the human you wanted to traffic and there was different criteria for delivery of each human so you are giving the user the chance to play it how they want.

I'd say random outcomes are good, but don't make it so random that the user has no control over it. Repetition is okay, but don't over-do it.

Messages In This Thread
General Jobs Idea - by GeorgeMcReary - 25.05.2018, 17:58
Re: General Jobs Idea - by Konverse - 25.05.2018, 18:58
Re: General Jobs Idea - by Rocket16 - 25.05.2018, 20:26
Re: General Jobs Idea - by 10MIN - 25.05.2018, 22:12
Re: General Jobs Idea - by [Twixx] - 25.05.2018, 22:53
Re: General Jobs Idea - by JohnBlack - 26.05.2018, 01:43
Re: General Jobs Idea - by GeorgeMcReary - 26.05.2018, 07:50
Re: General Jobs Idea - by [Twixx] - 26.05.2018, 10:19
Re: General Jobs Idea - by Hawsn - 26.05.2018, 17:53
Re: General Jobs Idea - by GeorgeMcReary - 28.05.2018, 05:41

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