Few Quistions to CSI fans

Hey I have few questions about CSI.
okay here they are

What was the episode and part
When the girl Cant remember her name with blond hair. Eric is her friend
Okay when she shoot him when he helped his dad ( father ).

CSI: New York

What was the episode and part
today ( canada, toronto, ontario ) Rogers tv cable
when that guy killed an police officer then other guy witch was her friend too.
the police officer were a girl.
then the other police officer shoot him in the face who killed her but it didnt show that fotage.
in the end all the police officer (( main actors )) were all in the bar then someone started shooting with UZI at the bar. what part was that?
Thanks propilot.

Hope you understand.

Messages In This Thread
Few Quistions to CSI fans - by propilot - 17.09.2009, 03:19
Re: Few Quistions to CSI fans - by propilot - 17.09.2009, 19:50

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