Detect run over a actor

Originally Posted by CodeStyle175
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you stupid or what?
first just think a little bit how coding works even
I'm stupid, you are so smart

Originally Posted by AdamsLT
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The callback has a parameter weaponid. If the weapon is a car, the weaponid is 49.
So, when a player does damage to an actor with a vehicle, the callback would give weaponid 49. You should be able to do that check and do whatever you want with that data.

Is this what you are looking for?
Could you help me with that?

I've tried this:
public OnPlayerGiveDamageActor(playerid, damaged_actorid, Float: amount, weaponid, bodypart)
    if(weaponid == 49)
        new string[128], attacker[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
        new weaponname[24];
        GetPlayerName(playerid, attacker, sizeof (attacker));
        GetWeaponName(weaponid, weaponname, sizeof (weaponname));
        format(string, sizeof(string), "%s has made %.0f damage to actor id %d, weapon: %s", attacker, amount, damaged_actorid, weaponname);
        SendClientMessageToAll(0xFFFFFFFF, string);
    return 1;
But nothing is printing

Thank you @Zeus666, but just ignore, that guy clearly have problems.

Messages In This Thread
Detect run over a actor - by binnyl - 26.04.2018, 06:26
Re: Detect run over a actor - by CodeStyle175 - 26.04.2018, 06:29
Re: Detect run over a actor - by AdamsLT - 26.04.2018, 07:51
Re: Detect run over a actor - by Zeus666 - 26.04.2018, 08:26
Re: Detect run over a actor - by CodeStyle175 - 26.04.2018, 08:52
Re: Detect run over a actor - by Zeus666 - 26.04.2018, 17:02
Re: Detect run over a actor - by binnyl - 29.04.2018, 05:15
Re: Detect run over a actor - by binnyl - 01.05.2018, 17:20
Re: Detect run over a actor - by jasperschellekens - 01.05.2018, 17:46
Re: Detect run over a actor - by binnyl - 02.05.2018, 02:26
Re: Detect run over a actor - by NaS - 02.05.2018, 10:20
Re: Detect run over a actor - by weex - 02.05.2018, 18:39
Re: Detect run over a actor - by git - 02.05.2018, 19:41
Re: Detect run over a actor - by XWolfX - 02.05.2018, 22:21

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