
Which IDE do you use? Pawno or something else?

If you use Pawno, how many Pawno IDE do you have? You shouldn't be having more than one and run the pawno.exe from the folder where the sscanf2 include is located in the includes directory.

If you use something else like Sublime Text 3 (which I really recommend using it if you're not), check that your directory is correct.

Messages In This Thread
sscanf2 - by DarkMythHunter - 26.04.2018, 03:16
Re: sscanf2 - by UFF - 26.04.2018, 04:00
Re: sscanf2 - by DarkMythHunter - 26.04.2018, 04:07
Re: sscanf2 - by Logic_ - 26.04.2018, 04:18

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