D:\server\gamemodes\ExtremeGame.pwn(22326) : error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 2)

CMD:work(playerid, params[])
	if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pJob] == 0) return SS(playerid, -1, "Nu ai nici un job / job-ul detinut de tine nu necesita aceasta comanda", "You don't have a job or your job don't need this command");
	if(IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(playerid)) return SS(playerid, -1, "Coboara din vehicul", "Get out from the vehicle");
	if(Working[playerid] != 0 || WorkCP[playerid] != 0) return SS(playerid, -1, "Deja lucrezi", "You are already working");
		case 5:{
//			if(GetPlayerInterior(playerid)) != 0 || GetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid) != 0 return SS(playerid, -1, "Nu poti munci pentru ca te afli intr-un virtual world / interior.","You can't work because you are in a virtual world / interior");
			if(!IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 10.0, 2113.4565,-1771.3867,13.3937)){
				SCM(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTRED2, "Nu te afli in locul potrivit pentru a incepe munca, ti-a fost setat un checkpoint");
				SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, 2113.4565,-1771.3867,13.3937, 10.0);
				CP[playerid] = 43;
				return 1;
			if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pCarLic] == 0) return SCM(playerid, -1, "Nu ai licenta driving");
			Working[playerid] = 1;
			new veh;
			switch(PlayerInfo[playerid][pPizzaSkill]) {
				case 1..2: veh = 411;
				case 3..5: veh = 411;
				case 6: veh = 411;
			WorkVehicle[playerid] = CreateVehicle(veh, 2113.4565,-1771.3867,13.3937,88.0363, -1, -1, 100);
			Gas[WorkVehicle[playerid]] = 100;
			PutPlayerInVehicleEx(playerid, WorkVehicle, 0);

			WorkCP[playerid] = 1;
			new j = random(housess)+1;
			if(j == 0) j = 1;
			SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, HouseInfo[j][hEntrancex],HouseInfo[j][hEntrancey],HouseInfo[j][hEntrancez], 7.0);
	return 1;
the one marked with red is the error, how to fix it?
D:\server\gamemodes\ExtremeGame.pwn(22326) : error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 2)

Messages In This Thread
D:\server\gamemodes\ExtremeGame.pwn(22326) : error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 2) - by enzulikeS - 25.04.2018, 14:48
Re: D:\server\gamemodes\ExtremeGame.pwn(22326) : error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 2) - by ItsRobinson - 25.04.2018, 15:37
Re: D:\server\gamemodes\ExtremeGame.pwn(22326) : error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 2) - by enzulikeS - 25.04.2018, 15:38

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