help hunger games plane

That is the jet object. Just move it like Twixx suggested and attach the camera to it.

The player is not actually on that plane, it is spectate mode combined with AttachCameraTo(Player)Object (that's why it is so smooth and the players will still be able to look around, which wouldn't be the case with InterpolateCameraPos).

See flymode.pwn for an example of how to attach a camera to an object.

When pressing F (or whatever key you want to use) the player just spawns at the Aircraft's location.

Messages In This Thread
help hunger games plane - by ShadowBlack - 18.04.2018, 22:08
Re: help hunger games plane - by TitoRayne - 19.04.2018, 01:56
Re: help hunger games plane - by std - 19.04.2018, 06:26
Re: help hunger games plane - by Twixxx - 19.04.2018, 10:31
Re: help hunger games plane - by NaS - 19.04.2018, 10:52

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