Help me sort this out please

Originally Posted by Sew_Sumi
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Terrible practice to be accepting... They can put backdoors into the script and give themselves whatever access they want, even in the event that you remove them from the server...

This is one reason why all releases (gamemodes, and apps alike) must be source code rather than compiled releases... There's just no telling what can be nestled in the gamemode without REALLY looking at it in detail.
True but even when you have a large gamemode for example. It is really a big task to go trough all that code to find a "backdoor". I'm pretty sure that most people won't even find it. I think that this is always a risk when you gather code from the forums or even from people against payment instead of creating your own.

Messages In This Thread
Help me sort this out please - by TitoRayne - 17.04.2018, 11:04
Re: Help me sort this out please. +1 REP - by TitoRayne - 17.04.2018, 11:08
Re: Help me sort this out please. +1 REP - by Uproar - 17.04.2018, 11:40
Re: Help me sort this out please. +1 REP - by TitoRayne - 17.04.2018, 11:46
Re: Help me sort this out please. +1 REP - by JesterlJoker - 17.04.2018, 11:52
Re: Help me sort this out please. +1 REP - by TitoRayne - 17.04.2018, 11:59
Re: Help me sort this out please. +1 REP - by Sew_Sumi - 18.04.2018, 14:07
Re: Help me sort this out please. +1 REP - by jasperschellekens - 18.04.2018, 14:14
Re: Help me sort this out please. +1 REP - by JesterlJoker - 18.04.2018, 15:14
Re: Help me sort this out please. +1 REP - by Sew_Sumi - 18.04.2018, 15:46

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