How can I achieve this

I don't understand what you're having trouble with? You have the functions, what exactly don't you understand about them?

If you want a moving camera, use InterpolateCameraPos and InterpolateCameraLookAt. If you want the camera to move instantly, you can use SetPlayerCameraPos and SetPlayerCameraLookAt instead. (Even though Interpolation has the option to do both.. :/)

Messages In This Thread
How can I achieve this - by Zeus666 - 16.04.2018, 17:21
Re: How can I achieve this - by Zeus666 - 16.04.2018, 17:26
Re: How can I achieve this - by Zeus666 - 16.04.2018, 20:56
Re: How can I achieve this - by Threshold - 17.04.2018, 07:22

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