Help here please

I believe if you don't want to have a second button, you leave second button caption blank. See to the WIKI PAGE here.

In your case, it probably must be something like this:

ShowPlayerDialogEx(playerid, WATCHTUT, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "{00FF00}Atrax Roleplay - Tutorial", "Click Yes for to watch the short Tutorial please!.", "Yes", "");
And, seriously, people, start googling it in SAMP wiki or via moogel; issues like that don't really require a scripting help thread, you'll waste less time if you figure it yourself by simply reading what's on the tin over there.

Messages In This Thread
Help here please - by TitoRayne - 16.04.2018, 12:22
Re: Help here please - by Maxandmov - 16.04.2018, 12:29
Re: Help here please - by TitoRayne - 16.04.2018, 12:31
Re: Help here please - by TitoRayne - 16.04.2018, 12:54
Re: Help here please - by UFF - 16.04.2018, 13:09
Re: Help here please - by Mugala - 16.04.2018, 14:01

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