Check if Player is in one of 4 Vehicle ids

Originally Posted by Maxandmov
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There's a simple way to deal with it. You can create an array of siren-only vehicles and check if it is in the list.
On my server, I used to check whether some skin I chose is faction only. That's how it looked like:

new DoCSkins[] =
	70, 71, 74, 280, 281, 282, 288, 284, 285, 283, 265, 266, 267, 274, 275, 276, 277, 278, 300,
	301, 302, 306, 307, 308, 309, 310, 311, 279


stock IsDoCSkin(id)
	for(new i = 0; i < sizeof(DoCSkins); i++)
	    if(id == DoCSkins[i]) return 1;
	return 0;
The check itself is done like that in my case:

   //Do your actions here
Reestablish the same structure for the checks you need, and it'll be fine.

P.S. This array is defined globally, don't initialise it in some functions or whatever.
P.P.S. imo this approach is comfortable since it simply requires you to add newly picked vehicles/skins/whatever you use it with into the array to then do the same check which requires no changes in its code.
I did it this way now:

	new vModel = GetVehicleModel(vehicleid);
    for(new i = 0; i < sizeof(UCAutos); i++)
    	if(vModel == UCAutos[i]) return true;
	return false;

if(!IsAUndercoverVehicle(vID))return SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_RED,"Du sitzt in keinem PD Premier/Sultan/Cheetah/Securicar");
new UCAutos[] = {
Thanks, it works now

Messages In This Thread
Check if Player is in one of 4 Vehicle ids - by ImTobi - 14.04.2018, 14:28
Re: Check if Player is in one of 4 Vehicle ids - by std - 14.04.2018, 15:02
Re: Check if Player is in one of 4 Vehicle ids - by ImTobi - 14.04.2018, 15:07
Re: Check if Player is in one of 4 Vehicle ids - by ImTobi - 14.04.2018, 15:11
Re: Check if Player is in one of 4 Vehicle ids - by std - 14.04.2018, 15:40
Re: Check if Player is in one of 4 Vehicle ids - by ImTobi - 14.04.2018, 15:57
Re: Check if Player is in one of 4 Vehicle ids - by TitoRayne - 15.04.2018, 00:06
Re: Check if Player is in one of 4 Vehicle ids - by Maxandmov - 15.04.2018, 07:42
Re: Check if Player is in one of 4 Vehicle ids - by ImTobi - 15.04.2018, 08:57
Re: Check if Player is in one of 4 Vehicle ids - by Maxandmov - 15.04.2018, 20:04

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