SQL syntax.

i have a sql syntax problem there is code:

	new Query[256], pName[35];
		new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z;

		GetPlayerName(playerid, pName, 35);
		GetPlayerPos(playerid, x, y, z);

		mysql_format(ConnectMySQL, Query, sizeof(Query), "UPDATE `aractrash` SET `tposX` = %f, `tposY` = %f, tposZ = %f, `KullaniciAdi` = %s)x, ,y ,z ,pName");
		mysql_tquery(ConnectMySQL, Query);
gives this.
error 076: syntax error in the expression, or invalid function call

Messages In This Thread
SQL syntax. - by lolya93 - 10.04.2018, 22:16
Re: SQL syntax. - by kovac - 10.04.2018, 23:22
Re: SQL syntax. - by lolya93 - 10.04.2018, 23:29
Re: SQL syntax. - by ThinAir - 10.04.2018, 23:31
Re: SQL syntax. - by lolya93 - 10.04.2018, 23:36
Re: SQL syntax. - by ISmokezU - 10.04.2018, 23:38
Re: SQL syntax. - by lolya93 - 10.04.2018, 23:53

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