error 033

Hi, I have some problem.
enum example {
new myInfo[MAX_PLAYERS][example], testStr[MAX_PLAYER_NAME];
format(testStr, sizeof(testStr), "%s", IsPlayerConnected(playerid) ? (myInfo[playerid][myName]) : ("Player is not connected"));
When compiling, an error arises: Эarray must be indexed (variable "-unknown-")"
The error occurs because of the parameter "myInfo[playerid][myName]", if instead substitute, for example
format(testStr, sizeof(testStr), "%s", IsPlayerConnected(playerid) ? ("My_Name") : ("Player is not connected"));
Then the script will compile without errors. Thank you in advance for your help

Messages In This Thread
error 033 - by FelixAquero - 09.04.2018, 16:19
Re: error 033 - by CutX - 09.04.2018, 18:06
Re: error 033 - by FelixAquero - 09.04.2018, 18:33

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